During my first interview at the Christian School where I taught, I did not hesitate to inform the administrator that, while I loved children and teaching, my true calling was to my family, if the Lord ever blessed me in that way.
Fast-forward a few years... Isn't it amazing how the philosophy of the world can seep into our hearts and destroy that which is precious?
Although I did stay home after our first daughter was born, I began to chafe against the burdens of motherhood. The constant demands wore upon me grievously. I felt myself envying mothers who could drop their children off at my house and walk out the door "free as the breeze". For the first time in my life, I longed to don a pair of high-heels and have some time "all to myself."
Then, two years ago, my best friend gave me a copy of this book: Passionate Housewives Desperate for God
Although this book is written particularly to encourage stay-at-home-moms, I believe it to be an excellent challenge to all Christian women. Who is guiding your thoughts? Is it Hollywood? Mediocre Tele-evangelists? What do you think or say when some well-meaning girl friend insists, "if you don't take care of yourself, then who will?"
I wept through most of the book, but it was cleansing for my soul. Now, I still have difficult days. I still enjoy strolling through Walmart at 6 AM-- all by myself! But I've been able to find joy in serving others, and particularly my family, knowing that, if no one else takes care of me, then my Heavenly Father will!
If you haven't read this yet, I encourage you to do so. Or to get a copy for some Mommy that could use a little encouragement. If you have read this, please comment below so that others can hear how you've been blessed by this most excellent book!